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(Image from Amazon.com) |
The Cries Of The Soldiers
When the hour was dark,
and their need was great, I
heard the cries of the soldiers!
When their lives were at stake,
because their President had failed
them, I felt the fear of the soldiers!
So I raised up my voice, demanding that
God go be with them and protect
the lives of the soldiers!
I pounded my drum and sent word to
My Elders that every nation should
come to the aid of those soldiers!
And I sounded my bell for all of
The Spirits to gather and fly swift
as the wind to comfort the soldiers!
I whispered a prayer to each of Earth's
Children that we should all walk with
honor and become more like a soldier!
And I sung a tribal song with my rattle
calling home The Great Warriors who
were now serving their country as soldiers!
Then, I laid down my head and cried like a
mother, because all I could do in the end
was simply trust that God was a soldier...
-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Small All White in the Forest)
"I am no barrier to its sun; the light and I are as one!"
My Poetic Notes:
The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: The situation which inspired this poem is far too complex for me to explain, so I am going to refrain from explaining it. But suffice it to say that this poem has everything to do with then-President George W. Bush's Iraq War—the responsibility of which rests squarely upon the shoulders of former President George W. Bush.
And this poem was only published on my "Small All White in the Forest" blog.
This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.
The following are 'updates' that I have written with regard to the veterans' organization Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA), which I have included in this blog post in order to show my support for our U.S. Veterans.
June 10th, 2022 Update: I received an email from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) today, June 10th, 2022, with the subject line, "The Pact Act is Close to the Finish Line", which stated, in part, the following:
We had a huge success with an 86-12 cloture vote in the Senate on The Honoring Our PACT Act on Tuesday, which allows the bill to move forward towards a final vote (likely next week). I had the honor of watching the vote from the Senate Gallery with surviving family members, including SFC Heath Robinson’s 9-year-old daughter, Jon Stewart, and other incredible supporters and veterans advocates. This vote was a significant step forward, but there is still work to do! We need your help to continue to tell Senators to pass this vital piece of legislation to ensure those suffering from military toxic exposures receive the VA healthcare and disability benefits they deserve.
We also want to share some good news regarding two bills President Biden signed into law this week. The MAMMO for Veterans Act to expand veterans' access to high-quality breast cancer screenings and lifesaving cancer care, and The Dr. Kate Hendricks Thomas SERVICE Act, which would require the VA to conduct mammograms for all women who served in areas associated with burn pits and other toxic exposures regardless of age, symptoms or family history...
...As we celebrate these steps forward, we still need your help. Let’s keep up the fight and continue to take action!
[Name redacted], IAVA [Title redacted], Navy Veteran
Here is a link to the IAVA website, which explains, "The PACT Act is comprehensive legislation that not only provides for healthcare and benefits, but also creates a framework for how presumptive illnesses are handled" and includes a section titled, "Let them know you care! Contact your representatives in Washington to voice your support for the PACT Act."
***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]
And so, I sent letters to my Senators, via the IAVA website, urging them to support passing this critical legislation, which can be found below:
Message Subject: Please support the PACT Act
Dear Senator [Name],
The Honoring Our PACT Act received a 86-12 cloture vote in the Senate on Tuesday, June 7th, 2022, which allows the bill to move forward towards a final vote. This vote was a huge success and a significant step forward!
Please vote to pass this vital piece of legislation, when it comes to the floor, to ensure those suffering from military toxic exposures receive the VA healthcare and disability benefits they deserve.
Also, please see the original message below that I sent to you—asking for your support in passing this critical legislation—which stated the following:
"Open-air burn pits were a common way to get rid of waste at military sites in Iraq and Afghanistan. Waste burned included human and medical waste, chemicals, fuel, paint, unexploded ordnance, petroleum and lubricants, plastics, etc.
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) is the largest post-9/11 veterans organization and a huge 82% of their members report they were exposed during deployments and 9 in 10 report they may have associated health symptoms.
The House-passed Honoring Our PACT Act (H.R. 3967) is comprehensive legislation, a culmination of years of work by national veterans groups, to finally establish that if a veteran has suffered an injury from toxic exposures like from burn pits during their deployments, they will be granted disability and healthcare benefits by the VA.
The Senate Majority Leader has promised a floor vote on the House-passed PACT Act this year. I ask that you stand with IAVA and 60+ veterans organizations nationwide who have made this our #1 priority, to vote in support of the Honoring our PACT Act when it comes to the floor!"
Thank you for your consideration in this matter.
And, after I sent those letters to my Senators, I made a one-time donation to Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) in order to show my support for our U.S. Veterans!
–Paul Whiting (written June 10th, 2022, revised June 22nd, 2022, revised June 25th, 2022, revised June 26th, 2022, revised July 19th, 2022, revised September 4th, 2022, revised November 18th, 2022, revised December 26th, 2022, revised December 30th, 2022, revised January 1st, 2023, revised March 10th, 2023, revised October 23rd, 2023 and revised November 30th, 2023)
[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]
July 19th, 2022 Update: I received an email from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) today, July 19th, 2022, with the subject line, "We Need Your Help to Pass the Pact Act", which stated, in part, the following:
Last week the Honoring Our PACT Act passed the House with a strong bipartisan vote of 342-88. Now the PACT Act will be voted on by the Senate soon! We need your help more now than ever in getting this vital legislation passed so those suffering from military toxic exposures receive the VA healthcare and disability benefits they deserve.
You can help by asking your US Senators to pass the Honoring Our PACT Act. Use this link to call your US Senator today.
Call Your US Senator:
[Name redacted], [Title redacted], Government Affairs for IAVA
However, rather than calling my Senators, I wrote to them instead, since I usually communicate in writing to my Senators—that way, I have a written record of what I communicated. So, I sent email letters to my Senators, on their websites, urging them to support passing this critical legislation, which can be found below:
Message Subject: Please vote to pass the Honoring Our PACT Act
Dear Senator [Name],
Last week the Honoring Our PACT Act passed the House with a strong bipartisan vote of 342-88. Now the PACT Act will be voted on by the Senate soon!
Veterans need your help more now than ever in getting this vital legislation passed so that those suffering from military toxic exposures receive the VA healthcare and disability benefits they deserve.
So, I am writing to you today to ask that you please vote to pass the Honoring Our PACT Act!
Thank you for your time and for your consideration in this matter.
Yours very truly,
-Paul Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
Portland, Oregon
[ZIP Code redacted]
And, after I sent those letters to my Senators, I made a one-time donation to Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) in order to show my support for our U.S. Veterans!
–Paul Whiting (written July 19th, 2022, revised December 19th, 2022, revised January 1st, 2023, revised March 10th, 2023, revised October 23rd, 2023 and revised November 30th, 2023)
[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]
October 23rd, 2023 Update—Continued Further (Originally From My Blog Post Titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," Which Is On My "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Blog): I received an email from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) today, October 23rd, 2023, with the subject line "Making sure veteran voices are heard in Washington", which stated, in part, the following:
Paul —
Since 2004, IAVA has led the charge fighting (and winning!) on behalf of post-9/11 veterans and their families.
Critical to our success has been our members who are willing to step up and join the fight when IAVA brings them from across the country to Washington to meet with policymakers face-to-face.
Our 2023 IAVA Leadership Fellows were in D.C. last week to meet with lawmakers and talk about our priorities. ...
... Our 2023 Leadership Fellows recently met with multiple U.S. Senators, Representatives, and their staffs to discuss the priorities IAVA members identified as the most important to them.
Our country is in a critical moment, and it’s more important than ever for our leaders to hear veterans’ voices in Washington and the national conversation.
We also can’t amplify the voices of post-9/11 veterans without your help. That’s why we are humbly asking:
Can you donate today to support IAVA’s work fighting on behalf of the post-9/11 generation of veterans? No donation is too small to make an impact.
Thank you so much for helping to fuel our fight.
And, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) in order to show my support for our U.S. Veterans! –Paul Whiting (written October 23rd, 2023 and revised November 30th, 2023)
October 24th, 2023 Update No. 7 [My Writing About How I Have Changed The Way That I Label My Blog Posts 'Updates' For Any Additional 'Updates' That I Write, After The First 'Update,' By Using A Simple Numbering System, Which Starts With The First 'Update' (Originally From My Blog Post Titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," Which Is On My "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Blog)]:
I have changed the way I label the blog post 'updates' that I write because I oftentimes write more than one 'update' per day!
And in the past, I have labeled the second, third, fourth and fifth 'update' with the following extensions—on the days that I write more than 'update'—to differentiate any additional 'updates' from the first one, as follows:
[1st] Month Day, Year Update
[2nd] Month Day, Year Update—Continued
[3rd] Month Day, Year Update—Continued Further
[4th] Month Day, Year Update—Continued Further Some More
[5th] Month Day, Year Update—Continued Further Some More Than Before
However today, October 24th, 2023, I actually had more than five 'updates' to write, so I decided to change how I differentiate any additional 'updates,' from the first 'update,' by using a simple numbering system, which actually starts with the first 'update' that I write, as follows:
Month Day, Year Update No. 1
Month Day, Year Update No. 2
Month Day, Year Update No. 3
Month Day, Year Update No. 4
Month Day, Year Update No. 5
Month Day, Year Update No. 6
Month Day, Year Update No. 7
Therefore, that is why this 'update' is the seventh one for today! –Paul Whiting (written October 24th, 2023 and revised October 28th, 2023)
November 6th, 2023 Update No. 1: I received an email from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) today, November 6th, 2023, with the subject line "This Veterans Day is about more than thanks", which stated the following:
Veterans Day is right around the corner, and this year is an opportunity to channel gratitude into action.
Our country is at a pivotal moment, and the pressing challenges we face both at home and abroad can only be solved with two things: LEADERSHIP and UNITY.
My fellow veterans have stepped up to fight for all Americans, regardless of any real or perceived differences. We’ve united in service to our country, demonstrated that we know how to put the mission first, and we need our leaders on the national stage to follow our lead now more than ever.
IAVA is leading on behalf of America’s veterans — and we need you to join us.
This Veterans Day, will you commit to leading with us? We need your voice in the fight too.
Together, we can make this Veterans Day — and all of Veterans Month — about more than just thanking vets.
When you add your voice to our fight, you help us build the future for our country that we put our lives on the line for.
Thanks so much for being a part of Team IAVA.
— [First name redacted]
[Name redacted]
Iraq War Veteran
IAVA [Title redacted]
And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:
We fight and win for veterans every day, but we can’t do it without you. Commit to supporting veterans and we’ll keep you updated about our important work and let you know how you can help.
Contact Details
First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Email: [redacted]
Postal Code: [redacted]
Thank you so much for your commitment to addressing the issues that matter most to post-9/11 veterans. We’ll send you an email when it’s time to contact your representatives. In the meantime, click on the topics below to learn more about our most pressing policy priorities.
Commit to Take Action Big 6: "IAVA’s members have identified 6 priority issues that matter most to them."
IAVA is committed to ending the veteran suicide epidemic.
[Blogger's Note: I read the IAVA'S BIG 6 webpage titled, "COMBAT SUICIDE AMONG TROOPS AND VETERANS."]
Burn pits are the Agent Orange of our generation. Our members see burn pits as a critical, urgent and growing threat.
[Blogger's Note: I read the IAVA'S BIG 6 webpage titled, "BURN PITS & TOXIC EXPOSURES."]
MODERNIZE VA [Veterans Administration]
We must ensure that our veterans receive the best possible care.
[Blogger's Note: I read the IAVA'S BIG 6 webpage titled, "MODERNIZE VA."]
As the number of male veterans is expected to decline in the next decades, the population of women veterans will continue to increase.
[Blogger's Note: I read the IAVA'S BIG 6 webpage titled, "WOMEN VETERANS."]
Civilians and veterans should have the same standard of care. Our veterans must have the same right to pursue alternative therapies while under VA care.
[Blogger's Note: I read the IAVA'S BIG 6 webpage titled, "ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES," which includes the action to "Urge Congress to cosponsor and work to enact the bipartisan VA Medicinal Cannabis Research Act (S. 326/H.R. 1003) that states that the VA can conduct research into the efficacy of medical cannabis as a treatment for veterans with chronic pain, PTSD, and other conditions," as outlined below*]
The Post-9/11 GI Bill has now sent more than one million veterans and dependents to school. We must ensure veterans and their dependents have access to education benefits.
[Blogger's Note: I read the IAVA'S BIG 6 webpage titled, "EDUCATION BENEFITS."]
By the way, all of the individual webpages above are actually contained within the main webpage that is titled, "IAVA'S BIG 6: IAVA’s members have identified 6 priority issues that matter most to them." Therefore, you will see each one of the above-mentioned categories, including "COMBAT SUICIDE," "BURN PITS & TOXIC EXPOSURES," "MODERNIZE VA," "WOMEN VETERANS," "ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES" and "EDUCATION BENEFITS," on every one of the webpages. It's just that the individual webpages above highlight each particular topic listed above within the "IAVA'S BIG 6" main page.
*And, after I read the webpage above, regarding ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:
Who You're Contacting:
[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]
[Phone number redacted]
[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]
[Phone number redacted]
[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]
[Phone number redacted]
What You're Saying
Subject: Begin VA Research on Benefits of Medical Cannabis for Veterans
[Decision Maker]:
Veterans have passionately stated that medical cannabis has helped them tackle some of the most pressing war injuries veterans face such as PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Eighty-eight percent of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) members surveyed support the additional research on medical cannabis. Policies are outdated, research is lacking, and stigma persists. IAVA has set out to change that and launch a national conversation underscoring the need for bipartisan, data-based solutions that can bring relief to millions.
I stand with my fellow IAVA members and urge you and Congress to cosponsor and work to enact the bipartisan VA Medicinal Cannabis Research Act (S. 326/H.R. 1003) by Senate Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Jon Tester and Sen. Dan Sullivan, and Reps. Lou Correa and Peter Meijer, states that the VA can research the efficacy of medical cannabis as a treatment for veterans with chronic pain, PTSD, and other conditions.
[Your name]
[Your email address]
Contact Information
First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
Email: [redacted]
Address: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Country: [redacted]
ZIP Code: [redacted]
Our country has an obligation to fulfill its promise to honor and support vets. Make a donation today to help IAVA fulfill its mission to connect, unite, and empower post-9/11 veterans.
So, I selected the "Share on Twitter" option (by the way, I only have a Twitter account so I can read tweets which are included in some online articles that I read) in order for me to provide you, my readers, with the text and hyperlink below:
Empower Veterans Who Want to Use Medical Cannabis (S. 326/H.R. 1003)
Thus, I become a Veteran Advocate with the IAVA (Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America) in order to show my support for our U.S. Veterans! Plus, after I sent the letter above to my Senators and Representative in Congress, via the IAVA website, I made a one-time donation to Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA), because "our country has an obligation to fulfill its promise to honor and support vets." –Paul Whiting (written November 6th, 2023, revised November 30th, 2023 and revised April 10th, 2024)
November 28th, 2023 Update No. 3, Written On November 30th, 2023 (Originally From My Blog Post Titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," Which Is On My "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Blog): I received an email from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) two days ago on November 28th, 2023, with the subject line "Veteran leadership…right when we need it", which stated the following:
Paul — IAVA has the backs of the post-9/11 generation of veterans — so much so that we’re investing in some of the best among us as a part of our work.
Don’t believe us? Hear it straight from the mouth of one of our Leadership Fellows:
Screenshot of video of IAVA Leadership Fellow [name redacted] | Click here to watch and donate to IAVA:
“This fellowship experience has been amazing. It’s helped train me to be a better leader for our veteran community and for our nation in general. I just want to thank you for your donations and I hope you’ll continue to support these programs, so we can educate and train more veterans to have the opportunity like I did.”
— [Name redacted], 2023 IAVA Leadership Fellow
Paul, we can’t do the critical work necessary to connect, unite and empower our fellow veterans without your help.
That means we need you to step up now. To join us. And to stand shoulder to shoulder with us in our work.
Before Giving Tuesday ends, please consider investing in IAVA’s work to get the backs of the more than 3 million post-9/11 generation veterans. Every dollar makes a huge impact.
And, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) on November 28th, 2023, in order to "stand shoulder to shoulder with [IAVA] in [their] work," because "IAVA has the backs of the post-9/11 generation of veterans." –Paul Whiting (written November 30th, 2023, revised December 2nd, 2023 and revised January 9th, 2024)
December 28th, 2023 Update No. 2 (Originally From My Blog Post Titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," Which Is On My "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Blog): I received an email from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) today, December 28th, 2023, with the subject line "Is there anything we can say?", which stated the following:
Paul, is there anything we can say to convince you to make a donation to help IAVA before our end-of-year deadline expires at midnight on Sunday?
The next twelve months are going to be crucial for America — and our community. But we can only ensure that post-9/11 veteran voices are front and center if we have the resources to do so.
Our work is powered by grassroots supporters just like you, and time is running out for us to hit our end-of-year fundraising goal. Can you help us ensure we’re able to get the back of the post-9/11 generation of veterans into next year?
We need your support now more than ever.
Please pitch in $10, $25, or whatever makes sense for your budget today to help IAVA continue fighting hard for vets in 2024.
Thanks so much for standing with us.
***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]
And, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) in order to "help [IAVA] ensure [they're] able to get the back of the post-9/11 generation of veterans into next year," because "[IAVA] can only ensure that post-9/11 veteran voices are front and center if [they] have the resources to do so." –Paul Whiting (December 28th, 2023)
February 17th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 16th, 2024: I received an email from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) yesterday, February 16th, 2024, with the subject line "Add your name to restore GI Bill benefits for Black veterans", which stated the following:
When the GI Bill was originally signed into law in 1944, it promised prosperity to our 16 million WWII veterans for years to come – yet, Black veterans didn’t benefit. There were massive gaps in wealth, education, and civil rights between white and Black veterans, making it difficult for Black veterans to pursue higher education, apply for unemployment insurance, or purchase their first homes.
The good news is, there’s a bill in Congress that seeks to rectify these injustices. The GI Bill Restoration Act would help repair the economic harm experienced by Black World War II veterans and their families who were denied full access to GI Bill benefits.
This is where you come in: As leading voices in the fight to protect post-9/11 GI bill benefits, IAVA members have an opportunity to speak up for WWII veterans as well.
Will you sign our petition today to call on Congress to pass the GI Bill Restoration Act?
Your advocacy can help affected veterans and their families access the VA home loan guarantee, receive educational benefits, and even create a study to fix inequities in how benefits are given to minority veterans.
This Black History Month – and every month – we’re fighting to correct historic injustices like these and we won’t rest until we secure benefits like those that all our WWII veterans earned. Add your name to our petition now >>>***
Thank you,
***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]
And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:
Who You're Contacting:
[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]
[Phone number redacted]
[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]
[Phone number redacted]
[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]
[Phone number redacted]
What You're Saying
Subject: Please pass the GI Bill Restoration Act
[Decision Maker]:
When the GI Bill was originally signed into law in 1944, it promised prosperity to our 16 million WWII veterans for years to come – yet, Black veterans didn’t benefit. There were massive gaps in wealth, education, and civil rights between white and Black veterans, making it difficult for Black veterans to pursue higher education, apply for unemployment insurance, or purchase their first homes.
The GI Bill Restoration Act would help repair the economic harm experienced by Black World War II veterans and their families who were denied full access to GI Bill benefits. Passing it can help affected veterans and their families access the VA home loan guarantee, receive educational benefits, and even create a study to fix inequities in how benefits are given to minority veterans.
We’re fighting to correct historic injustices like these and we won’t rest until we secure benefits like those that all our WWII veterans earned.
Please pass the GI Bill Restoration Act!
[Your name]
[Your email address]
Contact Information
First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
Email: [redacted]
Address: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
ZIP Code: [redacted]
And, after I sent the letter above to my Senators and Representative in Congress, via the IAVA website, I made a one-time donation to Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) in order to show my support for our U.S. Veterans!
–Paul Whiting (written February 17th, 2024, revised April 10th, 2024 and revised August 25th, 2024)
March 11th, 2024 Update No. 2 (Originally From My Blog Post Titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," Which Is On My "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Blog): I received an email from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) today, March 11th, 2024, with the subject line "We asked, you answered", which stated the following:
Every year at IAVA, we send out our comprehensive Membership Survey to find out what our generation of veterans wants to see from our elected leaders and for our nation.
Our research team dug into the data from this year’s survey and now, we want to share key findings with you:
[✓] 68% of IAVA veterans support the repeal or reform of the 2001 and 2002 Authorization for Use of Military Force.
[✓] 71% support legalizing cannabis at the federal level to help our fellow veterans treat their wartime wounds.
[✓] 75% also support including women in the selective service.
Additionally, a shocking 74% of IAVA veterans told us that they were disappointed with the way that democracy was working in this country.
Our leadership in Washington needs to know that they’re not just failing America, but those of us who’ve put it all on the line for our country. They need to know that what we have here in America is as much a ‘veteran’s issue’ as any other. And, IAVA is standing ready to make sure that your voice and the voice of our generation of veterans is heard.
But to fuel this fight, we need your support. Your donation in addition to your input helps us ensure that the voice of the post-9/11 generation of veterans is heard far and wide. Can you chip in whatever you can to help us continue to do so today?
I can’t thank you enough for your input, and for considering supporting our work even more. We simply couldn’t be in the fight in Washington and beyond without you.
[Name redacted]
Iraq War Veteran
[Title redacted], IAVA
P.S. Veterans have paid their dues so IAVA membership is always free. However, we rely on voluntary donations from supporters like you. If you can, please chip in to support IAVA's advocacy work.
***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]
And so, I made a one-time donation to Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) in order to show my support for our U.S. Veterans!
–Paul Whiting (March 11th, 2024)
March 20th, 2024 Update No. 1: I received an email from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) today, March 20th, 2024, with the subject line "A word for our nation’s leadership on the anniversary of the Iraq War", which stated the following:
21 years ago, we went to war in Iraq.
I still remember writing my will at only 22 years old as my unit and I prepared to go over there. I definitely wasn’t the same after that sobering exercise, and especially not after returning from war.
War changes you. It changed some of my fellow veterans in really terrible ways – like my buddy who was repeatedly asked to deploy by our nation’s leaders and who now has to sleep in a separate bedroom from his wife because his night terrors are too much for her to handle.
I was also fortunate enough to have made it home from my two combat deployments to Iraq, but we all have buddies who weren't as lucky. When a fellow platoon leader lost his life making the very moves I would’ve made if I had been assigned the mission he got on that day, I made a promise to myself: That I would live worthy of his sacrifice.
And that’s exactly what IAVA is doing. We’re pushing our leadership to not just profess that they’ll do right by our veterans, our troops, and their families; to not just promise to help us achieve our legislative priorities; but to show us that they’re willing to put it all on the line for what we’re so lucky to have here in America, just like we did in Iraq and elsewhere post-9/11.
That’s what we need more than anything out of leadership right now in this most important year in our nation’s history.
[Name redacted]
Iraq War Veteran
[Title redacted], IAVA
P.S. Veterans have paid their dues so IAVA membership is always free. However, we rely on voluntary donations from supporters like you. If you can, please chip in to support IAVA's ability to fight on behalf of the post-9/11 generation of veterans.
***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]
And so, I made a one-time donation to Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) in order to show my support for our U.S. Veterans!
–Paul Whiting (March 20th, 2024)
April 10th, 2024 Update No. 2 (Originally From My Blog Post Titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," Which Is On My "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Blog): I received an email from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) today, April 10th, 2024, with the subject line "12%.", which stated the following:
12%. That’s how many IAVA members reported they were survivors of military sexual trauma, Paul.
And a staggering 63% of those who reported surviving military sexual trauma said they were retaliated against.
When our fellow servicemembers sign up to serve their country, they know they may face attacks from our enemies. But they don’t anticipate facing attacks by their brothers or sisters in arms. IAVA has always been a leader in advocating for survivors, but more is needed to ensure survivors get the care, support, and protection they deserve.
This Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month, will you join us in calling on Congress to pass the Servicemembers and Veterans Empowerment and Support Act?
The bill would increase access to health care for survivors, strengthen oversight of the claims process, and ensure survivors have proper access to the VA counseling and benefits they need to heal.
With 42% of IAVA members stating that they believe the Department of Defense is not effectively addressing the problem of military sexual trauma, it’s clear that leaders in Washington need to adjust their priorities to better support survivors.
Sign our petition now to demand Congress pass this bill and give survivors the care, support, and protection they deserve >>>***
Thank you,
P.S. Veterans have paid their dues so IAVA membership is always free. However, we rely on voluntary donations from supporters like you. If you can, please chip in to support IAVA's ability to fight on behalf of the post-9/11 generation of veterans.
***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]
And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:
Who You're Contacting:
[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]
[Phone number redacted]
[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]
[Phone number redacted]
[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]
[Phone number redacted]
What You're Saying
Subject: Pass the Servicemembers and Veterans Empowerment and Support Act
[Decision Maker]:
12%. That's how many IAVA members reported they were survivors of military sexual trauma.
And a staggering 63% of those who reported surviving military sexual trauma said they were retaliated against.
When our fellow servicemembers sign up to serve their country, they know they may face attacks from our enemies. But they don't anticipate facing attacks by their brothers or sisters in arms.
The Servicemembers and Veterans Empowerment and Support Act would increase access to health care for survivors, strengthen oversight of the claims process, and ensure survivors have proper access to the VA counseling and benefits they need to heal.
This Sexual Assaull Awareness and Prevention Month, will you join us in supporting survivors and pass the Servicemembers and Veterans Empowerment and Support Act to give survivors the care, support, and protection they deserve?
[Your name]
[Your email address]
Contact Information
First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
Email: [redacted]
Address: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Country: [redacted]
ZIP Code: [redacted]
Our country has an obligation to fulfill its promise to honor and support vets. Make a donation today to help IAVA fulfill its mission to connect, unite, and empower post-9/11 veterans.
So, I selected the "Share on Twitter" option (by the way, I only have a Twitter account so I can read tweets which are included in some online articles that I read) in order for me to provide you, my readers, with the text and hyperlink below:
Add your name to our petition right now to call on Congress to pass the Servicemembers and Veterans Empowerment and Support Act
And, after I sent the letter above to my Senators and Representative in Congress, via the IAVA website, I made a one-time donation to Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) in order to "demand Congress pass this [Servicemembers and Veterans Empowerment and Support Act] bill and give survivors the care, support, and protection they deserve" during "Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month." –Paul Whiting (April 10th, 2024)
June 20th, 2024 Update No. 5, Written On June 21st, 2024 (Originally From My Blog Post Titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," Which Is On My "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Blog): I received an email from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) yesterday, June 20th, 2024, with the subject line "Keep the pressure on our leaders: Protect our Afghan allies", which stated the following:
In March, Congress delivered an additional 12,000 Special Immigrant Visas (SIV) for Afghan nationals who assisted in the U.S. war effort.
IAVA is leading in this fight, but we must keep the pressure on our leaders until ALL of our allies can get the safe harbor we promised them.
Tell the Biden Administration and congressional leaders: Keep our promise to the Afghan allies that served with the U.S. military in Afghanistan >>>
The effort to bring Afghan allies to safety is personal for those of us who served alongside them. Moral injury impacts our community each day that our promise to protect the Afghan allies who risked their lives to work with U.S. troops is not fully kept.
In our recent member survey, 72% of IAVA members said that more needs to be done for our Afghan allies who have sacrificed so much on our behalf.
IAVA will not stop until the U.S. has a plan to ensure the safe evacuation of our Afghan allies and their families. We cannot allow them to continue to pay the price for our withdrawal.
Keep the pressure on our leaders and demand that they do not abandon our wartime allies.
Thank you,
***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]
And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:
Who You're Contacting:
[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]
[Phone number redacted]
[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]
[Phone number redacted]
[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]
[Phone number redacted]
What You're Saying
Subject: Keep our promise to the Afghan allies that served with our armed forces in Afghanistan.
[Decision Maker]:
I'm a veteran supporter and our Afghan Allies matter to me. We need to have their backs like they had ours.
Our nation promised to protect the Afghan allies who risked their lives to work with U.S. troops. But we're falling short of keeping it.
With each day that passes, our Afghan allies are paying the price for our withdrawal with their lives. Inaction in Washington is stopping us from keeping our promises to those who have sacrificed so much on our behalf.
IAVA will not allow our country to abandon our wartime allies. We won't give up our fight to ensure the US has a plan in place to properly ensure the safe evacuation of ALL our Afghan allies and their families.
Please, keep the government's promise and protect the Afghan allies who risked their lives to work with U.S. troops.
[Your name]
[Your email address]
Contact Information
First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
Email: [redacted]
Address: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Country: [redacted]
ZIP Code: [redacted]
And so, I sent the letter above to my Senators and Representative in Congress yesterday, June 20th, 2024, via the IAVA website, in order to request that lawmakers please "keep the government's promise and protect the Afghan allies who risked their lives to work with U.S. troops." –Paul Whiting (June 21st, 2024)
P.S.: Just so you know, I used to make one-time donations to the organization that is the subject of these 'updates' each time that I took an action as requested by that organization; however, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am really 'tightening my belt,' so to speak, with regard to all of the donations that I am making on my credit card each month! My plan is to only donate to political, progressive and charitable organizations if they specifically ask for donations—and not just for the sake of donating to them at least once per month, or even when I have been taking some sort of action, such as signing a petition, or sending a letter, etc. Thus, I am trying to greatly reduce the number of donations that I make to simply once in a while, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis! You see, there are a lot of organizations that I literally donate to only once per year—such as for Giving Tuesday—which is all that I ever donate to them. And that is basically what I am striving for, so that I am still donating to political, progressive and charitable organizations, but the bare minimum that I can donate, since that's all I can really afford." [Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 4, Written On December 1st, 2023 About November 2023' (that also appears as 'November 30th, 2023 Update No. 2, Written On December 1st, 2023' on some of my blogs), which can be found on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog: https://poetartistandphilosopher.blogspot.com/2016/11/i-am-no-longer-being-activist.html.]
June 1st, 2024 Update No. 1: June is PTSD Awareness Month. And I decided to write this 'update' as a way to explain that June is PTSD Awareness Month by providing information from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs website highlighting that "JUNE IS PTSD AWARENESS MONTH," which can be found below:
Help Raise PTSD Awareness
There are currently about 12 million people in the United States living with PTSD.
Even though PTSD treatments are effective and accessible, most people don't get the help they need. Help spread the word that PTSD treatments are available. Everyone with PTSD—whether they are a Veteran or civilian survivor of sexual assault, serious accident, natural disaster, or other traumatic event—needs to know that treatments really do work and can lead to a better quality of life.
Join Us
During PTSD Awareness Month, and throughout the entire year, help raise awareness about the many different PTSD treatment options.
Make the Pledge
Start by making the pledge to Raise PTSD Awareness:
Register for the Virtual Walk
Join us for 30 minutes of exercise in June. Sign up for the Virtual Walk:
Take a PTSD Self-Screen
Answer 5 questions about your symptoms on PTSD Screening Day: June 27:
And so, I decided to "Make the Pledge" in order to help "Raise PTSD Awareness," which can be found below:
Awareness Pledge Form
Tell us about your individual or organization's local, regional or national involvement by providing the following information.
Name: Paul Whiting
Email or phone: [redacted]
Choose the category that best describes you:
[✓] Individual
[ ] Organization, agency or business
[ ] VA employee
[ ] VA team, clinic or health care facility
Name of organization, agency or business (if applicable): Paul Whiting: Poet, Artist and Philosopher
Location of VA center, clinic or health care facility (if applicable): N/A
Do you or does your organization provide health care services to Veterans?
[ ] Yes
[✓] No
Website and/or social media sites (if applicable): https://poetartistandphilosopher.blogspot.com/2016/11/i-am-no-longer-being-activist.html
Thank you for filling out the Pledge form.
We really appreciate the effort you are making to spread the word about PTSD Awareness. Every person who shares the information makes a difference.
Please continue to spread the word! PTSD Treatment Works.
Plus, as you can see above, I included my information from the Awareness Pledge Form, which is why I wrote this blog post update! –Paul Whiting (June 1st, 2024)
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is now: 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: "If you’re thinking about suicide, are worried about a friend or loved one, or would like emotional support, the Lifeline network is available 24/7 across the United States." Dial 988
June 27th, 2024 Update No. 2 (Originally From My Blog Post Titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," Which Is On My "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Blog): Today is PTSD Awareness Day, since PTSD Awareness Day is yearly (annually) on June 27th. And I decided to provide information from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs website highlighting the National Center for PTSD, which can be found below:
PTSD: National Center for PTSD
We are the world's leading research and educational center of excellence on PTSD and traumatic stress.
PTSD is a mental health problem that some people develop after experiencing or witnessing a life-threatening or traumatic event. If symptoms last more than a few months, it may be PTSD. The good news is that there are effective treatments.
June 27 is PTSD Screening Day
Answer 5 questions about your symptoms to see if your feelings and behaviors are related to PTSD.
Learn more >>
Understand PTSD Section:
Treatment Section:
Get Help Section:
Family and Friends Section:
Therefore, I decided to write this 'update' as a way to highlight that June 27th is PTSD Awareness Day. Plus, PTSD Awareness Day is observed within PTSD Awareness Month which is June. (Please see my 'June 1st, 2024 Update No. 1,' which can be found above, for more information on PTSD Awareness Month.)
Besides that, I wanted to highlight information from the USO webpage titled, "PTSD Resources: Where to Turn When You Need Help," due to the fact that they were the organization that first made me aware that June 27th is PTSD Awareness Day and that June is PTSD Awareness Month. (Please see my 'June 1st, 2022 Update, Written On June 29th, 2022,' which can be found above.) Please see a brief introduction to the above-mentioned article can be found below, which is dated June 24th, 2013.
"PTSD Resources: Where to Turn When You Need Help" from the USO
Monday, Jun 24, 2013
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Month may be winding down, but that doesn’t mean troops and families trying to cope with the anguish of war memories or even mental and emotional trauma from traumatic brain injuries will be forgotten.
Here is a list of resources for both troops and families dealing with PTSD.
And as always, if you or someone you know needs to talk to someone immediately, call the Military Crisis Hotline at 1-800-273-8255 or contact them online at militarycrisisline.net. ...
Please see the hyperlink below for the article:
In addition to that, I wanted to highlight information from the Wounded Warrior Project's website regarding "Veterans and PTSD: Understanding Causes, Signs, Symptoms and Treatment." An introduction to the webpage can be found below:
Veterans and PTSD: Understanding Causes, Signs, Symptoms and Treatment
PTSD among service members and veterans
What is Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a diagnosed condition that can develop after a person is exposed to a traumatic event. PTSD is a very common condition for many veterans after military service. Symptoms can include disturbing thoughts, feelings, or dreams related to the events, mental or physical distress, difficulty sleeping, and changes in how a person thinks and feels.
What Causes PTSD?
PTSD can occur after witnessing or experiencing a traumatic event. For veterans, this can stem from combat, training, or military sexual trauma.
PTSD Symptoms
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, there are four types of symptoms:
• Re-experiencing:
° Flashbacks: You may find yourself reliving a traumatic event. This could include physical symptoms such as a racing heart or sweating.• Avoidance: avoiding thoughts, feelings, places, activities, or objects that remind you of the traumatic event
° Bad dreams: These might include dreams related to the event
° Frightening thoughts
• Arousal and reactivity: being easily startled, feeling tense, having trouble sleeping
• Cognition and mood: experiencing negative thoughts, feelings of guilt or blame, or loss of interest in hobbies
When these symptoms last for a month, it is considered PTSD. ...
Please see the hyperlink below for the webpage:
Plus, I received an email from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) today, June 27th, 2024, with the subject line "It’s PTSD Awareness Day.", which stated the following:
As an invisible wound of war, PTSD is not always obvious and it requires the understanding and compassion of the broader community. It takes different forms – some more drastic than others. That's why last week, IAVA partnered with Columbia’s Lighthouse Project to combat it at its most extreme impact.
Can you donate today so we can continue to provide more resources and trainings for our veteran community and ensure all veterans can access the life-saving care we’ve fought to deliver?
With hundreds of sign-ups and a thorough and informative presentation from our partners, our members are now equipped with tools to combat suicide and ensure veterans in crisis can get the care they need in their own communities and networks.
If you were unable to join us, but want the tools yourself, you can find the slides from the presentation here:
Our work doesn’t stop here. IAVA will continue to lead the fight to make sure all post-9/11 veterans get the care they’ve earned and deserve.
We want to see the widest array of options possible for veterans to treat their wartime wounds. That means advocating for alternative therapies for veterans, including increasing access to cannabis and psychedelic-assisted care.
On PTSD Awareness Day and every day, let’s fight together to help those suffering.
If you can, contribute now to fuel our fight to help our battle buddies treat their wartime wounds and empower them with critical resources to help support those in our community.
Thank you,
P.S. Veterans have paid their dues so IAVA membership is always free. However, we rely on voluntary donations from supporters like you. If you can, please chip in to support IAVA's ability to fight on behalf of the post-9/11 generation of veterans.
And so, I made a one-time donation to Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) in order to "fuel [IAVA's] fight to help our battle buddies treat their wartime wounds and empower them with critical resources to help support those in our community." I also made a one-time donation to Wounded Warrior Project in order to raise awareness of "PTSD among service members and veterans." –Paul Whiting (written June 27th, 2024, revised June 28th, 2024 and revised August 7th, 2024)
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is now: 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: "If you’re thinking about suicide, are worried about a friend or loved one, or would like emotional support, the Lifeline network is available 24/7 across the United States." Dial 988
July 4th, 2024 Update No. 3 (Originally From My Blog Post Titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," Which Is On My "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Blog): Happy Independence Day, everyone!
I received an email from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) today, July 4th, 2024, with the subject line "This Independence Day: We deserve better", which stated the following:
This is an important year in our nation’s history, and events over the last week have underscored what’s at stake.
This Independence Day, we at IAVA are recommitting to demanding more out of our leadership. To show us that they’re willing to put it all on the line for what we’re so lucky to have here in America, just like we did in Iraq and elsewhere post-9/11.
Can you help us fuel our fight to ensure our generation of veterans’ voices are heard and our leaders are held accountable?
We’re not just getting the backs of our fellow post-9/11 veterans this Independence Day, but the backs of our fellow Americans as well.
We all deserve better. America deserves better. And we’re willing to fight like hell again to get it.
Support our work as the leading voice of the post-9/11 generations of veterans. We can’t bring it on behalf of my generation of vets without your help.
[Name redacted]
Iraq War Veteran
IAVA [Title redacted]
P.S. Veterans have paid their dues so IAVA membership is always free. However, we rely on voluntary donations from supporters like you. If you can, please chip in to support IAVA's ability to fight on behalf of the post-9/11 generation of veterans.
***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]
And, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) because "this Independence Day, [those] at IAVA are recommitting to demanding more out of our leadership," since "[IAVA's] not just getting the backs of [their] fellow post-9/11 veterans this Independence Day, but the backs of [their] fellow Americans as well." –Paul Whiting (July 4th, 2024)
August 7th, 2024 Update No. 3 (Originally From My Blog Post Titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," Which Is On My "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Blog): Purple Heart Day is today, August 7th, 2024, since Purple Heart Day is yearly (annually) on August 7th.
And I received an email from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) today, August 7th, 2024, with the subject line, "Pause. Reflect. Honor.", which stated the following:
Some of us have served and sacrificed a lot for this country, but were lucky enough to come away from it all unscarred.
Today is National Purple Heart Day. A day to remember our brothers and sisters who were wounded in battle, and those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country because of those wounds.
All of us at IAVA will take a moment out of our day today to pause, reflect on, and honor those among us who earned the Purple Heart they never wanted in the first place. And the families who possess that honor on behalf of a loved one they’ll never see again.
Please join us, and encourage your friends to do the same.
With gratitude,
[Name redacted]
Iraq War Veteran
IAVA [Title redacted]
And, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) as a way to "take a moment out of [my] day today to pause, reflect on, and honor those among us who earned the Purple Heart they never wanted in the first place," as well as to respect "the families who possess that honor on behalf of a loved one they’ll never see again." –Paul Whiting (August 7th, 2024)
August 10th, 2024 Update No. 1: I received two communications from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) today, August 10th, 2024, with regard to the second Anniversary of President Biden signing the PACT Act into law!
The first communication was an email from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) today, August 10th, 2024, with the subject line "Two years of the PACT Act: Over 1 million claims.", which stated the following:
Two years ago today, President Biden signed the bipartisan PACT Act into law.
IAVA jump started the conversation around the need to address toxic exposure related to burn pits. Our generation’s ’Agent Orange.’ That conversation led to an effort that culminated in the passage of the PACT Act. And now two years later, over 1 million claims related to toxic exposure have been granted.
Will you chip in today so we can continue our work to raise awareness around the unique needs of post-9/11 veterans and get our fellow vets the care they deserve?
It wasn’t easy to get the PACT Act into law. It was years of meetings with congressional staff, leading events across the country, and even sleepless nights on the steps of the U.S. Capitol.
But nothing worth doing is ever easy.
Now, we need your help to ensure that we can continue to fight hard and deliver wins on behalf of post-9/11 vets.
Pitch in today to help fuel our relentless efforts to ensure the voice of the post-9/11 generation veteran is heard and listened to - on the damage that was done by exposure to burn pits and so many other critical issues.
[Name redacted]
Iraq War Veteran
IAVA [Title redacted]
P.S. Veterans have paid their dues so IAVA membership is always free. However, we rely on voluntary donations from supporters like you. If you can, please chip in to support IAVA's ability to fight on behalf of the post-9/11 generation of veterans.
And the second communication was a text message today, August 10th, 2024, from from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA), which stated the following:
Paul, it’s [name redacted], IAVA [title redacted].
Two years ago today, President Biden answered our call to address toxic exposure experienced by post-9/11 vets and signed the bipartisan PACT Act into law. After two years, over 1 million claims related to toxic exposure have been granted. Now, we’re counting on you to help make sure that our generation of veterans continue to get the care they’ve earned and deserve. Can you donate today?***
***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]
Thus, after I read the email and the text message above, I made a one-time donation to Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) since "two years ago today, President Biden signed the bipartisan PACT Act into law ... and now two years later, over 1 million claims related to toxic exposure have been granted." That is why I contributed to IAVA today, because "[they're] counting on [me] to help make sure that our generation of veterans continue to get the care they’ve earned and deserve [as well as] to ensure that [IAVA] can continue to fight hard and deliver wins on behalf of post-9/11 vets." –Paul Whiting (August 10th, 2024)
August 26th, 2024 Update No. 1: I received an email from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) today, August 26th, 2024, with the subject line "Remember their sacrifice.", which stated the following:
Three years ago today, 13 American service members were killed in a suicide bombing at Kabul Airport’s Abbey Gate in Afghanistan.
AUGUST 26, 2021
These 13 brave Americans gave their lives in the process of helping others escape the violence and chaos of our withdrawal from Afghanistan. Today, we remember our brothers and sisters who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country. And we mourn with those they left behind.
We will never be able to repay their sacrifice.
But we can keep up the pressure on leaders in Washington to honor their memory by doing their duty to provide better oversight to where and when our troops are put into harm's way. That’s why IAVA and our members are calling on Congress to reform the authorizations of military force (AUMF’s) that authorized the Afghanistan and Iraq wars.
Today, please join us in remembering the sacrifice of these 13 heroes.
Fallen, but not forgotten,
And, after I read the email above, I did a search on Google for "reform the authorization of military force (AUMF) 'IAVA'" and found a March 29th, 2023 Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America memo titled, "IAVA [Title and Name redacted] Comments on Senate Vote to Repeal Iraq War AUMF," the relevant text of which can be found below:
March 29, 2023
CONTACT: [email redacted]
“On March 20, 2003, U.S. troops crossed the Kuwaiti border, and our country went to war in Iraq. 20 years later, Congress’ repeal of the authorization for use of military force (AUMF) for the Iraq War is long overdue.
The debate around the repeal of the AUMF has been an important one. We owe our fellow Americans serving in uniform, and their families, a thoughtful ongoing conversation about why we’re sending them into harm’s way. From the beginning of any war, until its very end, Congress should have clarity on what our strategic goals are. Our elected leaders should be relentlessly challenging and questioning whether these goals are being met and whether there’s still a national security imperative that requires US troops to be in the line of fire. And most of all, Congress definitely shouldn’t relinquish its war powers altogether and allow Presidents to send troops to fight threats unchecked. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what has happened over and over again in recent years.
Today’s bipartisan vote in the Senate is a step in the right direction, and now it’s time for the House to do its job. Congress has shirked its responsibility to our troops and their families for too long by leaving open-ended authorizations of military force in place. It’s past time to change that.”
Then, after I read the memo above, I did a search on Google for "contact my representatives and senators" and found the webpages for contacting my Representative via House.gov (https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative) and my Senators via Senate.gov (https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm), so that I could send them the letter below regarding this very important issue:
Dear [Representative/Senator Name],
As your constituent, I am writing to you today on the 3rd anniversary of "13 American service members [that] were killed in a suicide bombing at Kabul Airport’s Abbey Gate in Afghanistan," in response to an email that I received today from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA), a copy of which can be found below:
From: Team IAVA [email redacted]
Reply-to: [email redacted]
To: [email redacted]
Date: Aug 26, 2024, 6:27 AM
Three years ago today, 13 American service members were killed in a suicide bombing at Kabul Airport’s Abbey Gate in Afghanistan.
AUGUST 26, 2021
These 13 brave Americans gave their lives in the process of helping others escape the violence and chaos of our withdrawal from Afghanistan. Today, we remember our brothers and sisters who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country. And we mourn with those they left behind.
We will never be able to repay their sacrifice.
But we *can* keep up the pressure on leaders in Washington to honor their memory by doing their duty to provide better oversight to where and when our troops are put into harm's way. That’s why IAVA and our members are calling on Congress to reform the authorizations of military force (AUMF’s) that authorized the Afghanistan and Iraq wars.
Today, please join us in remembering the sacrifice of these 13 heroes.
Fallen, but not forgotten,
And, after I read the email above, I did a search on Google for "reform the authorization of military force (AUMF) 'IAVA'" and found a March 29th, 2023 Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America memo titled, "IAVA [Title and Name redacted] Comments on Senate Vote to Repeal Iraq War AUMF," the relevant text of which can be found below:
March 29, 2023
CONTACT: [email redacted]
“On March 20, 2003, U.S. troops crossed the Kuwaiti border, and our country went to war in Iraq. 20 years later, Congress’ repeal of the authorization for use of military force (AUMF) for the Iraq War is long overdue.
The debate around the repeal of the AUMF has been an important one. We owe our fellow Americans serving in uniform, and their families, a thoughtful ongoing conversation about why we’re sending them into harm’s way. From the beginning of any war, until its very end, Congress should have clarity on what our strategic goals are. Our elected leaders should be relentlessly challenging and questioning whether these goals are being met and whether there’s still a national security imperative that requires US troops to be in the line of fire. And most of all, Congress definitely shouldn’t relinquish its war powers altogether and allow Presidents to send troops to fight threats unchecked. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what has happened over and over again in recent years.
Today’s bipartisan vote in the Senate is a step in the right direction, and now it’s time for the House to do its job. Congress has shirked its responsibility to our troops and their families for too long by leaving open-ended authorizations of military force in place. It’s past time to change that.”
Thus, I am writing to you today to humbly ask that Congress please consider a "repeal of the authorization for use of military force (AUMF) for the Iraq War," for the following reason, as quoted from the March 29th, 2023 IAVA memo cited above:
"We owe our fellow Americans serving in uniform, and their families, a thoughtful ongoing conversation about why we’re sending them into harm’s way. From the beginning of any war, until its very end, Congress should have clarity on what our strategic goals are. Our elected leaders should be relentlessly challenging and questioning whether these goals are being met and whether there’s still a national security imperative that requires US troops to be in the line of fire. And most of all, Congress definitely shouldn’t relinquish its war powers altogether and allow Presidents to send troops to fight threats unchecked. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what has happened over and over again in recent years."
So, "please join us in remembering the sacrifice of these 13 heroes" [who] "gave their lives in the process of helping others escape the violence and chaos of our withdrawal from Afghanistan." And even though, "[w]e will never be able to repay their sacrifice ... we *can* [humbly ask our] leaders in Washington to honor [the] memory [of the 'fallen, but not forgotten'] by doing their duty to provide better oversight to where and when our troops are put into harm's way. That’s why IAVA and [this constituent] are calling on Congress to reform the authorizations of military force (AUMF’s) that authorized the Afghanistan and Iraq wars."
Thank you for "join[ing] us in remembering the sacrifice of these 13 heroes ... who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country."
And thank you for all that you do to support our United States military personnel and our veterans!
Yours very truly,
Paul Whiting
And so, I sent the letter above to my Senators and Representative today, via their respective websites, in order to request that Congress please "reform the authorizations of military force (AUMF’s) that authorized the Afghanistan and Iraq wars." –Paul Whiting (written August 26th, 2024 and revised August 27th, 2024)
P.S.: Just so you know, I used to make one-time donations to the organization that is the subject of these 'updates' each time that I took an action as requested by that organization; however, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am greatly reducing the number of times that I donate for the same organization per month down to once—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis." (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.) Thus, because I have already donated to Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) on August 7th, 2024 (please see my 'August 7th, 2024 Update No. 3,' which can be found above), as well as on August 10th, 2024 (please see my 'August 10th, 2024 Update No. 1,' which can be found above) those are the one-time donations which I made to IAVA for August 2024.
September 11th, 2024 Update No. 3 (Originally From My Blog Post Titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," Which Is On My "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Blog): I received an email from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) today, September 11th, 2024, with the subject line "There was before September 11, 2001. And now after.", which stated the following:
On the 23rd anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, we pause as we do every year, to remember the nearly 3,000 lives tragically lost and the transformational moment this was for our generation of veterans.
We also honor the bravery of those who stepped up and met the moment at Ground Zero, on hijacked planes, or decided on that fateful day that they needed to be a part of the fight in response to the attacks and enlisted in the military.
There was our country before 9/11. And our country after 9/11.
Let us never forget the service and sacrifice of so many on that fateful day and in the years following in response to the worst attack on American soil in my lifetime. And let their memory or ongoing service inspire us to do our part to fiercely continue to protect what we have here in our country as we continue. After all, we’re the lucky ones who get to go forward living in it.
With gratitude,
[Name redacted]
Iraq War Veteran
IAVA [Title redacted]
And, after I read the email above, I did a search on Google for "donate to the IAVA" and found their donation webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:
✓ One time
[ ] Monthly
Choose a one-time amount
[ ] $250
[ ] $100
[ ] $55
[ ] $25
[✓] USD $5.00
Leave a comment:
This donation is for your 09/11/2024 email with the subject line, "There was before September 11, 2001. And now after."
Donor Information
First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Email: [redacted]
[✓] It's okay to contact me in the future.
Phone Number: [redacted]
One-time donation $5.00 USD
Thus, I made a one-time donation to Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) since "on the 23rd anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, we pause as we do every year, to remember the nearly 3,000 lives tragically lost and the transformational moment this was for our generation of veterans." That is why I contributed to IAVA today, because "we also honor the bravery of those who stepped up and met the moment at Ground Zero, on hijacked planes, or decided on that fateful day that they needed to be a part of the fight in response to the attacks and enlisted in the military." –Paul Whiting (September 11th, 2024)
September 13th, 2024 Update No. 4 (Originally From My Blog Post Titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," Which Is On My "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Blog): I received an email from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) today, September 13th, 2024, with the subject line, "Too many of us have had a battle buddy die by suicide.", which stated, in part, the following:
Our community is all too aware of the veteran suicide epidemic. As we observe Suicide Prevention Month, IAVA wants to remind you – we’ve got your back.
The veteran suicide crisis is real. And it still needs America’s attention.
IAVA has beaten the drum on suicide prevention for years. In 2015, we led the fight to address veteran suicide by advocating for the passage of the Clay Hunt SAV Act to increase access to quality mental health care. We also helped launch the 988 National Suicide Hotline. And in October of 2018, we held a demonstration on the National Mall, planting 5,520 American flags to represent every veteran and military death by suicide by that point in the year.
It was shocking how many people asked us about the demonstration who had no awareness of the veteran suicide crisis.
We know that this incremental progress is part of a much bigger battle. This is – and will always remain – an enduring priority for IAVA. We’re fighting to secure the widest array of treatment options possible for veterans to treat not just our visible physical wartime wounds, but our invisible mental ones, too. ...
... Thank you for standing with us as we continue to address this problem that plagues our community.
With gratitude,
PS - If you are in crisis and need long-term suicide-specific care to keep you safe, reach out to ROGER now by submitting a request online (https://goroger.org/get-help) or calling [phone number redacted].
And so, I wanted to share this email from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) in order to show my support for this truly important information regarding the veteran suicide crisis during the Suicide Prevention Month of September. –Paul Whiting (written September 13th, 2024 and revised September 14th, 2024)
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is now: 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: "If you’re thinking about suicide, are worried about a friend or loved one, or would like emotional support, the Lifeline network is available 24/7 across the United States." Dial 988
October 5th, 2024 Update No. 1: I received an email from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) today, October 5th, 2024, with the subject line, "⚠️ States are preparing to close voter registration! Check yours TODAY.", which stated the following:
In this critical year in our nation’s history, we’re committed to ensuring our generation of veterans' voices are heard loud and clear.
States across the country are officially preparing to close voter registration – if you’re in Ohio, South Carolina, Alaska, or Tennessee, this is your last chance to make sure you’re registered to vote.
No matter where you are – make sure you’re registered to vote in the November 5th general election.
We need leaders that will stand with us. Who stand up for America and what we have here in our country, what we fought for and are ready to fight for again.
If you want to make sure your voice is heard this year at the polls, time is running out to do so.
Make sure you are registered to vote and encourage your neighbors to do the same.
[Name redacted]
Iraq War Veteran
IAVA [Title redacted]
P.S. Veterans have paid their dues so IAVA membership is always free. However, we rely on voluntary donations from supporters like you. If you can, please chip in to support IAVA's ability to fight on behalf of the post-9/11 generation of veterans.
***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]
And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, with regard to checking on Vote.org to see if I am registered to vote, where I did verify that I am registered. Then, after I verified my registration, a Vote.org donation request appeared, the relevant text of which can be found below:
One last thing. Vote.org is a small nonprofit, and we don't receive any funding from the government. Could you chip in $3 to support our work?
Chip in $3
Vote.org is a nonpartisan, non-profit organization. Your donation is tax-deductible.
Thanks for being a voter! Can you pitch in to pay it forward?
Vote.org does the work that the government and the political parties should do to increase voter turnout, and we do it on pennies for the dollar.
If you found our tools or voting resources helpful, please consider paying it forward by donating to help reach more Voters →
Donate immediately:
Your contribution will benefit Vote.org.
[✓] Donate $3 →
[ ] Change amount
Please leave a tip for AB [ActBlue] Charities
Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.
[ ] Add $2 tip
[ ] Leave no tip
[✓] Add custom amount $0.33 (11%)
And so, I made a one-time donation to Vote.org (with a tip to ActBlue) because "Vote.org is a small nonprofit, and [they] don't receive any funding from the government." That is why I responded to the question, "Could you chip in $3 to support our work?" with a $3.00 donation!
In addition to that, I made a one-time donation to Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) due to the fact that "no matter where you are [you should] make sure you’re registered to vote in the November 5th general election," since "states across the country are officially preparing to close voter registration [so] if you’re in Ohio, South Carolina, Alaska, or Tennessee, this is your last chance to make sure you’re registered to vote." That is why I contributed to IAVA today because, "in this critical year in our nation’s history, [IAVA is] committed to ensuring our generation of veterans' voices are heard loud and clear." –Paul Whiting (October 5th, 2024)
November 6th, 2024 Update No. 1 [My Writing About No Longer Being An 'Online Activist' In Any Way, Shape Or Form]: Due to Donald Trump winning the 2024 Presidential Election—and until further notice—I am no longer being an 'Online Activist' in any way, shape or form, which includes no longer signing petitions from political, social, environmental and charitable organizations, and no longer sending letters to my Representative and Senators in Congress, as well as no longer making donations to political, social, environmental and charitable causes. Full stop! I am also unsubscribing from any of the emails that I used to receive from political, social, environmental and charitable organizations. In fact, I am even cancelling all of my monthly political donations to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations, as well as to the USO (United Service Organizations), in addition to cancelling all of my monthly news organization subscriptions, or news organization donations, because I am absolutely terrified of this second Trump administration. And I fully expect that democracy in America as we know will be over! So, I am choosing to not engage in any 'activism' whatsoever—plus, I am not even sure that I will be exercising my 'civic duty' by voting in any upcoming elections because, as a (formerly) donating and a (potentially former) voting Democrat, I totally fear the retribution of President Donald J. Trump. Full stop! –Paul Whiting (written November 6th, 2024 and revised November 7th, 2024)
This "Small All White in the Forest" Post No. 058 was edited on November 7th, 2024.
"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]