Saturday, March 6, 2010

Post No. 083: Dedicated To The Ones I Love, Part 2 — A World Of Pure Imagination

(Image from SodaHead)

A World Of Pure Imagination
(Or, "Your Golden Ticket Is Pure Imagination!")

Your Golden Ticket
is pure imagination...
"Simply look around!"

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Small All White in the Forest)
"I am no barrier to its sun; the light and I are as one!"

My Writing About Our Imagination: We are our imagination. We are God. –Paul Whiting (written April 1st, 2015 and revised August 4th, 2022)

My Writing About Using Your Imagination: There is "A Wonderful World Of You" waiting inside of you—and it comes from using your imagination... And the "you" that is waiting for you on the inside is who you really are! –Paul Whiting (written August 7th, 2016, revised August 8th, 2016, revised July 29th, 2021, revised June 25th, 2022 and revised August 4th, 2022)

My Writing About How We Are Literally Everything That Literally Nothing Can Imagine: The naturally-occurring vibration at the center of Literally Nothing is self-aware—because of the pressure right in the middle of Nothing. And that self-aware vibration is the imagination of Nothing—which is what we are as souls—and that is how we are naturally born. And because what we are as souls is that vibration of imagination—We Are Literally Everything That Literally Nothing Can Imagine! –Paul Whiting (written October 6th, 2016, revised October 7th, 2016, revised October 25th 2021, revised July 25th, 2022 and revised August 4th, 2022)

My Poetic Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: This poem was inspired by the 1971 motion picture (movie) "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory," which I saw as a child and—apparently—I never left the theater! And I especially love the song "Pure Imagination" from the movie, which is performed by Gene Wilder (please see the hyperlink below for the video). I also love covers of that song that have been sung by various artists throughout the years.

And this poem was also published on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog (please see the hyperlink below for the blog), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.


Watch "Pure Imagination (From 'Willy Wonka The Chocolate Factory' Soundtrack)" on YouTube:

This "Small All White in the Forest" Post No. 083 was edited on July 9th, 2024.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

My poems that are Haiku in their style—within which one stanza is composed of three lines, where each line has words containing five syllables, seven syllables and five syllables, respectively—are a lot more like Senryū poems in that the topic of these poems is typically about people, rather than the topic of these poems being about nature, as is usually the case in classic Haiku poems. And that is why I call these types of poems "Haiku-style." –Paul Whiting [September 19th, 2023]